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Unieuro Romantic Killer, Vol. 1 (English
Il Romantic Killer, Vol. 1 (English Edition) è un manga umoristico scritto e disegnato da Ryoko Fujino. La storia segue il personaggio principale femminile Mizuki Hijiri, una studentessa delle superiori che si innamora improvvisamente di Kuroha Shirogane, un ragazzo misterioso del suo campus.
"If you love romance, then you'll adore this heartwarming tale of young love. If you're a sucker for murder mysteries, then you'll be addicted to this suspenseful page-turner. And if you're looking for a bit of both, then Romantic Killer is the perfect choice! Told from the perspective of an omniscient narrator, Romantic Killer follows the story of Nikki en Kaito, two high school students who are drawn to each other despite their differing interests. Nikki is a bright and bubbly girl who loves nothing more than spending her days dreaming about her crush, while Kaito is a brooding bad boy with a dark past. When the two meet, it's clear that they're complete opposites... but somehow, they just fit together. However, as their relationship begins to blossom, strange things start happening in their small town. murders that have been committed years ago suddenly become relevant again, and new bodies begin turning up left and right. Everyone is a suspect - even Nikki and Kaito themselves! - and it seems like there's no escape from the killer's grasp. Who is this mysterious murderer? What could possibly motivate them to commit such heinous crimes? And more importantly - will Nikki and Kaito be able to solve the case before they become victims themselves? Find out in Romantic Killer Volume 1!"
Il Romantic Killer, Vol. 1 (English Edition) è un manga umoristico scritto e disegnato da Ryoko Fujino. La storia segue il personaggio principale femminile Mizuki Hijiri, una studentessa delle superiori che si innamora improvvisamente di Kuroha Shirogane, un ragazzo misterioso del suo campus.
L'uccellinokiller è un manga umoristico che segue le vicende di Makoto, un assassino a contratto con un cuore d'oro. Troppo timido per confessare i suoi sentimenti alla donna che ama, Makoto si rivolge ad un'agenzia per killer romantici per uccidere l'uomo che sta frequentando. Ma quando il bersaglio si rivela essere la donna che ama, Makoto dovrà fare i conti con i propri sentimenti e decidere se darà ascolto al suo cuore o alla testa.
"If you love romance, then you'll adore this heartwarming tale of young love. If you're a sucker for murder mysteries, then you'll be addicted to this suspenseful page-turner. And if you're looking for a bit of both, then Romantic Killer is the perfect choice! Told from the perspective of an omniscient narrator, Romantic Killer follows the story of Nikki en Kaito, two high school students who are drawn to each other despite their differing interests. Nikki is a bright and bubbly girl who loves nothing more than spending her days dreaming about her crush, while Kaito is a brooding bad boy with a dark past. When the two meet, it's clear that they're complete opposites... but somehow, they just fit together. However, as their relationship begins to blossom, strange things start happening in their small town. murders that have been committed years ago suddenly become relevant again, and new bodies begin turning up left and right. Everyone is a suspect - even Nikki and Kaito themselves! - and it seems like there's no escape from the killer's grasp. Who is this mysterious murderer? What could possibly motivate them to commit such heinous crimes? And more importantly - will Nikki and Kaito be able to solve the case before they become victims themselves? Find out in Romantic Killer Volume 1!"
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Unieuro Romantic Killer, Vol. 1 (English
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Amazon Romantic Killer, Vol. 1 (English
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Euronics Romantic Killer, Vol. 1 (English
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Mediaworld Romantic Killer, Vol. 1 (English
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Sconto: 0,10 € Romantic Killer, Vol. 1 (English
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