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Prezzo: 13,90 €
Sconto: 0,42 €

Unieuro The Cycling Cartoonist: An Illustrated
The Cycling Cartoonist: An Illustrated Guide to Life on Two Wheels is a collection of cartoons and illustrations by award-winning cartoonist, Grant Arnott. The book captures the humour and pathos of cyclist's lives, from the Tour de France to commuting to work. It's a must-have for anyone who loves cycling- or just needs a laugh.
The Cycling Cartoonist: An Illustrated Guide to Life on Two Wheels is a collection of over 150 cartoons that document the everyday trials, triumphs and tribulations of life on two wheels. The cartoons are accompanied by humorous captions that offer an insight into the mind of a cyclist. The book is divided into sections that cover all aspects of cycling, from commuting and leisure riding to racing and touring. There is also a section devoted to the dark side of cycling, which includes such topics as mechanical problems, crashes and bad weather!
The Cycling Cartoonist: An Illustrated Guide to Life on Two Wheels is a collection of cartoons and illustrations by award-winning cartoonist, Grant Arnott. The book captures the humour and pathos of cyclist's lives, from the Tour de France to commuting to work. It's a must-have for anyone who loves cycling- or just needs a laugh.
The Cycling Cartoonist: An Illustrated Guide to Life on Two Wheels is a collection of cartoons and illustrations that capture the humour, pain, and joy of life on two wheels. The book is written and illustrated by Andy Whitaker, a cartoonist who has been cycling since he was a child. From flat tyres and potholes to lycra-clad cyclists and crazy motorists, The Cycling Cartoonist takes a light-hearted look at the world of cycling. Whether you're a keen cyclist or simply someone who enjoys a good laugh, this book is sure to entertain.
The Cycling Cartoonist: An Illustrated Guide to Life on Two Wheels is a collection of over 150 cartoons that document the everyday trials, triumphs and tribulations of life on two wheels. The cartoons are accompanied by humorous captions that offer an insight into the mind of a cyclist. The book is divided into sections that cover all aspects of cycling, from commuting and leisure riding to racing and touring. There is also a section devoted to the dark side of cycling, which includes such topics as mechanical problems, crashes and bad weather!
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Prezzo: 13,90 €
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Mediaworld The Cycling Cartoonist: An Illustrated
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