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Unieuro The X-Files: Earth Children Are
-Fumetti sul paranormale per bambini -Con 2 fumetti -Opinioni dei lettori: 4/5 stelle
The X-Files: Earth Children Are Weird: A Picture Book is a children's book that explores the paranormal through the eyes of two young children. The book is filled with illustrations and photos that bring the text to life, making it an enjoyable and creepy read for both kids and adults alike.
-Fumetti sul paranormale per bambini -Con 2 fumetti -Opinioni dei lettori: 4/5 stelle
-Fumetti sul paranormale per bambini; -Racconta la storia di alcuni bambini che vengono presi in consegna da Agenti del FBI; -Include una introduzione da parte dello scrittore Chris Carter.
The X-Files: Earth Children Are Weird: A Picture Book is a children's book that explores the paranormal through the eyes of two young children. The book is filled with illustrations and photos that bring the text to life, making it an enjoyable and creepy read for both kids and adults alike.
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