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Prezzo: 9,02 €
Sconto: 0,27 €

Unieuro Silent Voice (Yaoi Manga) (English
-Fully localized text and menus -A heartwarming story of first love -Beautiful artwork
This is a story about two men who find each other in the most unlikely of places. The first, Kousei, is a gay man who has been in the closet for years. The second, Tsubaki, is a straight guy who has just come out of a relationship with his girlfriend. When they meet, it's clear that there is an instant connection between them. But can they overcome their differences and find happiness together? Silent Voice is a heartwarming Yaoi manga that will resonate with anyone who has ever struggled to find love.
-Fully localized text and menus -A heartwarming story of first love -Beautiful artwork
- Silent Voice is a heartwarming manga about two gay men in love. - The artwork is gorgeous and the story is touching. - I highly recommend this manga to anyone who loves yaoi or LGBTQ+ fiction.
This is a story about two men who find each other in the most unlikely of places. The first, Kousei, is a gay man who has been in the closet for years. The second, Tsubaki, is a straight guy who has just come out of a relationship with his girlfriend. When they meet, it's clear that there is an instant connection between them. But can they overcome their differences and find happiness together? Silent Voice is a heartwarming Yaoi manga that will resonate with anyone who has ever struggled to find love.
Scopri il prezzo tramite i nostri partners. Classifica Manga LGBTQ
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Ritiro in negozio
Prezzo: 9,02 €
Sconto: 0,27 €
Unieuro Silent Voice (Yaoi Manga) (English
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Prezzo: 9,02 €
Sconto: 0,18 €
Amazon Silent Voice (Yaoi Manga) (English
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Prezzo: 9,02 €
Sconto: 0,18 €
Euronics Silent Voice (Yaoi Manga) (English
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Mediaworld Silent Voice (Yaoi Manga) (English
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Prezzo: 9,02 €
Sconto: 0,09 € Silent Voice (Yaoi Manga) (English
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